There Is Democracy in North Korea (DPRK Week Day 2)

All right continuing with day 2 of “Defend North Korea Week” I am going to debunk that garbage that there is no democracy and voting in North Korea. This video right here provided by stimmekoreas, shows actual local elections. Usually this video is attacked, claiming that its an entire work of fiction. Yea that’s a good one, care to back it up at all, no? Okay.

In reality there is a highly developed system of democracy in North Korea. There are Worker’s Party of Korea, Korean Social Democratic, General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and the Chondoist Chongu. To be specific the Chondoist is a party representing a religious group of the same name. Basically they are a combination of Buddhism and Christianity and shamanism. There is also all the various independents who run as well. All four parties are represented in the government as well as many independents.

Voting is a big deal there, celebrating democracy is a big deal there. There’s all kinds of activities going on at the same time.

For now the rest of the video will speak for itself.

One response to “There Is Democracy in North Korea (DPRK Week Day 2)”

  1. Kind of hard to believe you take this video seriously? Do you think this voting conveys power — or is a process of legitimization of a government? Do you think dissent, opposing views, radical ruptures, get represented in such an obviously staged and conservative process?

    Would you want to live in this society? And don’t you imagine that the actual relations are profoundly different from what this scripted narrative presents?

    This seems like an amazingly gullible and conservative post.